AhnLab provides 24/7/365 managed security services for Bespin Global’s managed services customers, protecting your information assets from exposure to ever-increasing security threats. AhnLab’s portfolio includes AhnLab CPP, a centralized cloud-workload protection platform offering unified, purpose-built protection for hybrid clouds. In 2020, AhnLab strengthened its response capability for advanced cybersecurity threats by integrating AI security technology into its threat-detection software.
Combining AhnLab’s AI-enabled threat detection with Bespin’s managed cloud services offers the best possible security strategy for your information assets.
AhnLab integrates with Bespin’s SIEM to provide flexible and cost-effective, end-to-end security operations for autoscaling cloud server workloads.
While you define and classify information assets based on your enterprise security policy, we’ll advise you every time we detect a violation — 24×7×365.
Please email us at info@bespinglobal.ae or fill in the form at Contact Us
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